" Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony." ~ Mohandas K. Gandhi

Sunday, August 14, 2011

August is...

If you are looking for a reason to celebrate (not that you need one – joy is always in style)…Here are some August observances.

~Happiness Happens Month

~National Runaway Prevention Month

~August 25 – 31 – Be Kind to Humankind Week  (kindness is virtually always for the win)
~4th – National Chocolate Chip Day (Its passed but I bet it would be Ok to make a batch of chocolate chip cookies to celebrate.)

~8th – Sneak some zucchini on your neighbor’s porch day  ( I have no idea why someone would do this or why it gets its own holiday but what the heck.)
~15th Best Friends Day (Shout out to my BFF Karen!)

~25th – Kiss and Make up day

~30 – National Toasted Marshmallow Day

Take note of the little things – they can add up.